2024 Resch Exhibition Center

And Thanks to our Signature Sponsor

March 1, 2024 VRC High School and Middle School

March 2, 2024 VIQC Elementary and Middle School

2023 Championships below

Fox Valley Competitive Robotics, Inc. is very excited to host this event and hope that the 2024 experience is better than ever.   A large group of volunteers work to make this the best event possible. Our referees and panel of judges are made up of community members, many of which who have several years of experience refereeing or judging VEX events here or at other venues. We believe that our volunteers are among the best in the state and the nation. Please feel free to thank them for giving up their time to help make this event run smoothly.

At this event, we will be hosting 48 of the top High School, 24 of the top Middle School VEX Robotics teams as well as 48 of the top Middle School and 36 of the top Elementary School VEX IQ teams from around the state.  The level of technical and engineering prowess exhibited by the students was amazing. At the end of the day, awards will be given out and championships won, but ALL of the students that competed will have had FUN and, as the season passed, learned a lot about engineering, computer programming, physics and other technical skills involved in building a competitive robot. Just as important, the students learned problem solving, teamwork and perseverance in the face of difficulty.

World Qualifiers

HIgh School

53171EThe AliensShoreland Lutheran High SchoolSomers, WI
1200ASymmetrySt Mary’s Catholic High SchoolNeenah, WI
5509EVHS ExcelsiorValley Home SchoolersAppleton, WI
536CLifeSt Francis Xavier High SchoolAppleton, WI
54677ANorse ForceWestby High SchoolWestby, WI
5062FFenneksFox Valley Lutheran High SchoolAppleton, WI
5062STiny But MightyFox Valley Lutheran High SchoolAppleton, WI
4082BFreedom GladiatorsRocket RoboticsFreedom, WI
6219ASubaru WRVexNeenah High SchoolNeenah, WI
1790BBacon BytesWrightstown High SchoolWrightstown, WI
53171DTerminal VelocityShoreland Lutheran High SchoolSomers, WI

Middle School VRC

44036CCenter of GravityWinneconne Middle SchoolWinneconne, WI
44036AN-squaredWinneconne Middle SchoolWinneconne, WI
13406ZMaster MindsLomira Middle SchoolLomira, WI

Middle School VIQRC

1233VLemon & LimeLemon & Lime RoboticsAppleton, WI
44844ACharging…Nenah Middle SchoolNeenah, WI
54130ACheesehead EngineeringIndependentFreedom, WI
1050DRage QuitSt Mary Catholic Middle SchoolNeenah, WI
10851EIt Sorta Worx. . .St Bernard SchoolGreen Bay, WI

Elementary VIQRC

2626YThe TakinatorsSt Francis Xavier Middle SchoolAppleton, WI
34362KBeast 2.0St Joseph SchoolRice Lake, WI
44844KFlying TurtlesNeenah Middle SchoolNeenah, WI

VEXU Teams Qualified for Worlds through their own regional competitions

WISCOUW PlattevillePlatteville, WI
Platt2UW PlattevillePlatteville, WI
Devil 5UW StoutMenononie, WI
Control ZIndependentBrillion, WI