Our trailers will be available for rental this season to event partners on a first come – first served basis with preferences to existing Event Partners and dependent on availability.

We have potentially 3 trailers available. Two from FVCR, Inc and one from Jeff Wick in Fond du Lac.

The Main Trailer has all that you need to run a VRC Event. It contains 4 full competition fields along with the main computer to run the event. Also included are Hand held devices that can be used for check-in, inspection, running skills and scoring the matches, 4 cameras and a dedicated streaming computer to live stream your event as well as projectors and screen for audience and pit displays.

The Secondary Trailer can be equipped for a small VRC Event with 2 full competition fields as well as a laptop to run Tournament Manager or this trailer can also be equipped for an IQ event with 4 competition fields and the necessary electronics to run an event.

We also will rent out individual IQ Fields for events that have most of their own equipment to run an event.

In order to reserve a trailer, an Event Partner must fill out the form below giving us information about the event being hosted and delivery of the trailer. Link below

