Although Fox Valley Competitive Robotics, Inc are the hosts (or in the Robotics World terminology, Event Partners (or EPs) for the the following events.

Sky’s the Limit VIQRC Signature Event – November 22, 2024 at the EAA Eagle Hanger. Or see the page on this site.

The Fox Valley V5RC and VIQC Leagues – approximately early November through mid February.

The Northeast Wisconsin V5RC Showdown – January 30 and 31 in the Lambeau Field Atrium. Or see the page on this site.

The Wisconsin State Championships for both V5RC and VIQRC – early March – date and venue – TBD

There are many other events run by various other EPs in the state. (See the Calendar Page for last years events. It will be updated for the coming season by the end of August.) These event are also in need of volunteers, primarily judges. Watch this site for more information on how to get involved.

Judges – The teams do not just compete on the field but also compete for Judged Awards including the Excellence Award, the Design Award and more. The top teams will display their knowledge of the Design Process through presentation of their Engineering Notebook and demonstrate their understanding during interviews with judges. Volunteering as a judge is a great way to get involved and find out what these remarkable students are capable of. Judging usually is a one day commitment, typically a Saturday except for the State Championships and the Signature Event.

Other Volunteer Opportunities Include:

Field Queuer – The Field Queuer makes sure that teams are at the queuing tables before their next match. Little training required. Time commitment: throughout the competition schedule. May be broken up into shifts.

Scoring Referee – Assists the Head or Field Referee in scoring matches. Some training required. Time commitment: throughout the competition schedule. May be broken up into shifts

Reception – Checks in teams as they arrive at the venue. Collects Engineering Notebooks, if the event is using Hard Copy Notebooks. (Events have the option of receiving either Hard Copy or digital notebooks, but not both at the same event.) Hands out any items the event partner may decide to give te teams. Time commitment: Typically from a half hour to 15 minutes prior to the venue opening doors to the teams until all teams are checked in.

Inspection – Inspectors check to see that the robot is within the rules regarding size, allowed parts, proper firmware versions, proper operating software. They work as a team, so a novice inspector could handle checking for size, while the more experienced inspectors handle the rest. Time commitment: Typically from a half hour to 15 minutes prior to the venue opening doors to the teams until all teams are inspected.
